



New York Timesの書評欄をRSSでワッチしてます。
きょうの記事はなかなか面白かった。基本的には、大統領選に沸く米国に即した本の著者に焦点をあてている。そのタイトルというのが"The Political Brain: The Role of Emotion in Deciding the Fate of the Nation"ということで、ガチで「脳」キてます。そんな、アヤシサ満載な感じにも惹かれた。

The Political Brain: The Role of Emotion in Deciding the Fate of the Nation

The Political Brain: The Role of Emotion in Deciding the Fate of the Nation


Writing of the 2000 presidential debate, Dr. Westen says that instead of saying he was “not going to respond in kind” to Mr. Bush’s attacks on his credibility and character, Vice President Gore should have said that he was going to teach his opponent “a few old-fashioned lessons about character,” mentioning Mr. Bush’s drunk-driving incidents, business practices and Vietnam-era Air National Guard service, using the words “coward,” “drunk,” “crooked” and “disgrace.”
